Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine or degeneration of the bones, discs of the neck is called cervical spondylosis. Wear and tear of the bones and joints is a normal phenomenon of ageing. Our neck has a bone structure in which our vertebrae are piled one over the other with a sandwich of cushion-like intervertebral discs in between. The nerves from the spinal cord exit between the bones and they supply to the neck, face, backside of the head, ears, shoulders and to both arms till the finger-tips. With wear and tear of the spine, the discs become thin, flat, bulge on sides, and may prolapse which can touch and cause irritation to the nerve roots exiting from the spinal cord. This irritation to the nerve roots results in radiating pain and numbness, tingling to the area supplied by that nerve root. The lack of cushioning effect between the bones results in stiffness of the neck. Some patients also complain about grating sounds being felt in the neck with movements.
Cervical spondylosis is most common among office workers whose neck movements are restricted due to sedentary lifestyle. It is also common in frequent travelers and in gym goers which can result in trauma of the neck.
Ayurveda explains cervical spondylosis as a vata disease or as sandhi vata. Increase or imbalance of vata causes wear and tear of the body tissues including the bones and cartilages. Ayurveda uses terminologies like greeva graha, apabahuka, viswachi etc to denote cervical spondylosis. Though none will escape the wear & tear of the bones and joints, Ayurveda emphasize on several causative factors which can lead to an early cervical spondylosis or an imbalance of Vata –
These should be reduced or avoided by a Cervical spondylosis patient.
Neck pain, restricted movements of the neck, pain radiating to shoulders and arms, numbness & tingling sensations on arms, headache, muscle stiffness and spasm, difficulty in walking – these are some of the signs and symptoms of Cervical spondylosis.
Ayurveda treatment of Cervical spondylosis is quite comprehensive which helps in reducing the inflammation, prevents wear & tear, strengthen the muscles and ligaments, nerve tonics etc. Vata balance is a generic-term Ayurveda uses to achieve these treatment objectives.
Ayurvedic treatments like Podikkizhi, Elakkizhi, Navarakkizhi, Greeva vasty, Greeva pichu, Nasya is useful at different stages of the treatment. Most important thing to remember here is the timely use of appropriate treatment. Back to Roots Ayurveda Clinic in Abu Dhabi uses herbal decoctions, ghee-based medicines, tablets, alongside newly developed patent preparations in the effective treatment of Cervical spondylosis. Our Ayurvedic doctor in Abu Dhabi will use, modern investigation tools like X Rays, MRIs, together with Ayurveda diagnostic tools like Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis), prakruty analysis (body type) for a proper diagnosis and for an individualized Ayurveda treatment for Cervical Spondylosis.
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