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Ayurvedic Treatments for Hair Loss and Dandruff: Natural Solutions for Healthy Hair

Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss and dandruff

Natural Solution For Healthy Hair

Dandruff is the main reason for hair loss. It is an irritating skin condition that affects the scalp. It causes flaking or scales on scalp skin, hair, eyelids, eyebrows, sides of nose, chest and causing itching and burning. It is mainly seen in people with dry skin, secondary to some skin conditions like Psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases, fungal infections, family history and can be caused due to allergic reactions to some hair care products. It gets aggravated during some climate seasons like cold and dry climate and also due to increased stress.

Ayurveda describes dandruff in the name of ‘Darunaka’, happened by the vitiation of Vata and Kapha dosha. Causes described as excessive use of in-compatible foods, like curd with meat and fish, milk and sour fruits etc. on a daily basis, not following proper hair hygiene like hair wash etc., not applying oil on the head, suppression of natural urges, by these factors Vata and Kapha doshas are aggravated and causes symptoms like itching, burning, scaling etc.

Dandruff is the main cause of hair loss in the majority of the patients. Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss focuses on dosha vitiation (Vata/ Pita/ Kapha) and Nature of hair loss (patchy/scale/ central). Based on the dosha vitiation in patients,

Effective Ayurvedic Treatments for Hair Loss and Dandruff: Restore Your Hair Naturally

Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss is determined by assessing a patients condition, it includes internal medication in the form of herbal decoction, powder based medicines, tablets and external Ayurveda application therapies like Shiro Lepam (application of herbal paste on the head processed with buttermilk), Shirodhara (continuous streaming of medicated oil on forehead), Takradhara (streaming of medicated butter milk on forehead), Shiro Abhyanga (Ayurvedic head massage), Vamana (therapeutic vomiting)  and Virechana (therapeutic purgation). In some seasons/ climatic change may cause severe hair fall (dandruff, Seborrheic Dermatitis etc.) aggravated in cool and dry climates.  Ayurveda recommendations are to do a seasonal purification in the form of Vamana and Virechana. Vamana is an excellent purification procedure for dandruff patients. It controls the disease from not aggravating and eliminates the root cause.

Back to Roots Ayurveda hospital in Abu Dhabi offers effective treatment for hair loss and dandruff. Our expert doctors at Abu Dhabi will guide you w,r,t  lifestyle changes, hair care by proper diagnosis and recommend suitable treatments. Back to Roots Ayurveda provides best personalized ayurveda treatment in Abu Dhabi for dandruff free healthy hair.

Natural solution for healthy hair

  • Balanced diet- green leafy vegetables, proteins, vitamins, fruits and plenty of water.
  • Hair care- Apply warm oil, proper hair wash with herbal powders/ mild shampoo, wash hair with Amla (Gooseberry) and Vibhithaki (Terminalia Bellarica) decoction
  • Vit-D supplementation if needed.
  • Pleasant and calm mind
  • Proper exercise and good sleep.

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